Consciousness is the foundation of exceptional interactions
When we move out of our minds and into our hearts, we can engage in deep and memorable experience. Meaningful interactions are always involved with an emotional response. We are emotional beings.
How we tap into emotion can be boiled down to two ways: love or fear. Love is the high road working with the raw materials of kindness, honesty, fairness, peace, joy, transparency, abundance, gratitude. Fear is the low road and is anything that taps into the illusion of lack.
There are so many ways in which we can genuinely and creatively touch people’s hearts in a positive light. Emotion is the catalyst of taking an action. Working with the aspects of loving communication will always be the most potent and rewarding road.
Expansiveness is an ocean of divine inspiration
I believe that taking the time to expand one’s heart and perspective should be on the same ‘necessities list’ as sleep, eat, pee, and poop. If there was ever a time to put energy into expansion – the time is NOW! In this so-called modern world, we are being spoon-fed processed emotional food through very well thought-out and purposely ‘steering’ media and stimuli.
It is impossible to put any thought, word, image or action into the world without creating an energetic ripple. The big question is, ‘What is the intention behind it?”.
Without awareness and the sheer curiosity to expand and grow, one might as well just cozy into a sheep suit and mindlessly follow the herder. I hate to spoil the ending, however, the journey almost always halts in a predicable, fenced-in, cramped, square kinda place.
It is always my desire to remain and expand in the free thinker and ‘feeler’ that I am. If you are still reading this, I know that you also have aspirations such as these. When I bask in expansiveness, I have an infinite ocean of divine inspiration and ideas to tap into to support you in yours.
Love and kindness is the foundation of every success
“Treat others the way that you, yourself, desire to be treated”.
I don’t believe that love and kindness should ever optional…for anyone or anything.
How we speak to and treat people (including via marketing) is just as important as how we treat those most beloved to us.
There are so many creative (and kind) ways to appeal to people. The way each and every one of us engages in business (whether we are the buyer or the seller) is creating the world in which we live. Supporting positive messaging, responsible marketing, and transparent sales techniques builds a more loving world.
I feel it is so important to be genuine, aware, and make your business decisions based on your own heart, not based on what everyone else is doing. You are unique and the way you flourish is also unique.
Understanding and visually expressing your uniqueness is what I love to do.
the alchemy of great ideas into incredible solutions
i have had the opportunity to work on so many diverse projects with so many diverse people since my professional start in 2004. I came onto this planet with the gift of art within me and have worked hard to continue honing it year after year. i have found that once there was a quiet comfort and confidence of my craft within my heart, the creativity of solutions that ‘dropped’ in expanded tremendously and I unearthed more joy in my work.